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How to avoid spam texts on iMessage
If you receive spam that invites you to play online game, loaning or gambling, what can you do to avoid them? You can easily avoid the spam on iMessage by filtering unknown senders, blocking callers and reporting junk. Let's see the steps.
How to filter the unknown senders?
1. Go to “Settings”
2. Press “Messages”
3. Go to “Filter unknown senders”
4. Enable it
How to block callers (senders)
1. Go to “Messages”
2. Open the conversation
3. Press sender icon at the top
4. Press “info”
5. For group conversation, press number or email first
6. Slide down and press "Block this Caller"
How to turn off iMessage
1. Go to “Settings”
2. Press “Messages”
3. Disable iMessage
How to report suspicious message
1. Go to “Messages”
2. Open conversation
3. Under the conversation, there is “Report Junk”
4. Press “Report Junk”
5. Press Delete and Report Junk
Please follow the above steps to avoid spam texts on iMessage or click at image to see the example.
With care from AIS.